Monday, January 5, 2009

My apologys

Hi all,

I want to inform you all that I have not and will not be posting until I get back from my vacation. You should however expect a post January 16th at the latest, it'll most likely be earlier then that. I have been away on vacation for a few weeks now and trying to keep posting but it's interfering with my vacation and I decided to wait until I get home on my own laptop instead of using my grandmothers, it'll give me more options and photos e.t.c

I hope you all understand and respect this decision. If it's of any use, the moment I get back and I post I will give you 10 new posts regarding 10 very interesting and important topics. The posts are already determined and archived in a "TOBURN" folder to be placed on CD to transmit to my new hard-drive in my personal notebook.

I assure you, come back in a week or two and you'll be very pleased :)

Until next time,

I wish you the best :)